Tuesday, August 28, 2012


We have started our first official fundraiser. I saw this idea online and even though my sewing skills are limited I thought that I might be able to make this happen.  I purchased fabric and found some D rings and voila!  We now have bracelets! Well a few anyway.
I made the first one and put in on my wrist and suddenly felt the doubt rush in.  Asking for help, well, it is not something I do easily.  We are asking for money.  Should I wonder at my uneasiness? It washed over me in a pretty intense fashion.  I know quite a few people who make things and sell them for a living so why is this different?
I am not sure if you realize this but we have embarked on a pretty incredible journey here folks.  We are adopting a little person.  This my friends, is one of those life changing events in life that mark you, indelibly. This is my heart on my sleeve for the whole world to see.  I have intense emotions that course through my body at the slightest provocation.  It really is no wonder the doubt rushed in and tried to take over. The truth is we are doing this and I need help. I need you.  Your support. Your encouragement. I need to know that you understand, on any level, why we are doing what we are doing. I need to know it is alright to cry for a little one I don't know.  When I feel frustrated I need for someone to tell me they get it.  I need you to ask me how the adoption is going...even if all I am going to say is that nothing has changed.  Will you invest in the life of an orphan? When you do any of these things that is precisely what you are doing.  You don't have to buy a bracelet, but maybe you would like to.
So, there it is then. The difference.  I am not just asking for you to buy a bracelet to support our adoption journey.  I am asking you to invest in the life of an orphan.  I am putting it all out there, a very emotional and rather private journey and asking you to join me.  I am thankful to be surrounded by such loving and generous people who have done just that.
In you the orphan finds mercy Hosea 14:3.


  1. Totally okay to cry for a son or a daughter that you have never met! Just because this child isn't growing UNDER your heart does not mean they are not growing IN your heart! You have our full prayer support and I want to know where and how I can buy a bracelet or three! Thank you for sharing your journey :)

  2. Tara,
    Your family is so precious too me, including the member/members still to come. Count us in on all levels.
    Never give into the voices of doubt when taking such a beautiful journey. This is the stuff life is made of, the golden threads in the tapestry that make it shine for all to see, reflecting His glory.

    Love you,
