Sunday, January 22, 2012

A little more on why Ethiopia?

We have been asked why? "Why Ethiopia?" "Why adopt?" "Why wouldn't you adopt from the U.S.?"

Why Adopt?
There are approximately 147 million orphans in the world.  Which gives us 147 million reasons to want to adopt.  We love children. We love being parents.  When we think about children who are unloved, neglected, or suffering our hearts hurt. We want to help.   In you the orphan finds mercy. Hosea 14:3 We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  

Why not adopt a child from the United States?
I don't have a concise answer for why we felt lead to adopting a child in Ethiopia. What I do know is this:  We know that there are children in need of families right here. On the next street over.  There are children in need all around us.  Our hearts hurt just as much for the children right here as for the children in other countries.   A child in need is a child in need no matter where they are on the map.  It isn't about doing something bigger, better, harder or more noble. It is about a child. A child who needs a family.  Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows. Isaiah 1:17 This is us learning to do good. We will cheer you on in your endeavor to learn to good as we hope you will for us.

Why Ethiopia?
It is a beautiful country.  We love learning about the rich culture and people of Ethiopia.  The food is full of unique flavors and spices.  We love to travel and we are excited to experience as much of African culture as we can. On a very personal note we have been incredibly blessed by the addition of our niece, Miss M. who is from Ethiopia. Our hope is that a connection to their homeland between Miss M. and our daughter will be something that each of them will cherish.  There are approximately 5 million orphans in Ethiopia.  Our daughter is one of them. I do not know where she is, what she looks like or from the circumstances she will come but I know that I love her with all my heart.  I know that I don't want her to hurt or suffer or to be hungry or scared. And I know that God places the lonely in families.  Father to the fatherless, defender of widows — this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families. Psalms 68:5-6 So we are ready and waiting for a precious one from Ethiopia.

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