Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Waiting is tough.

We know a family that is in Addis Abba, Ethiopia right now.  They are adopting 3 children and we just got word that they passed court. I am SO excited for this family.

When I saw their facebook post saying they were in Washington D.C. waiting for their flight for this trip, an intense feeling of longing gripped my heart.  As they shared their anticipation and anxiousness for all that was just before them I was overwhelmed by feelings that knocked me to my knees, in prayer.  Prayer for them as they were preparing to meet their children face to face. Prayer for their appeal to the court to allow them to become the parents of three precious children.  As tears streamed down my face and my heart full to bursting I also asked the Lord to hasten the day that it will be Kyle and I meeting ours.

The anguish I feel is growing a passion in my life. A passion for orphaned children. I would love to fast forward through this season of waiting and longing and yet the bible tells me to, "consider it our joy whenever you face trials" It goes on to say, "The testing of (my) faith will develop perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that (I) may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4.  There are a great many things I am lacking so I am sure Perseverance has its work cut out but rather than loathe this time I am choosing Joy.  Thankful that I am being stretched. Thankful that our eyes are being opened to the needs of others.  Thankful for the anguish that I feel because, friends, this anguish is proof that I am being transformed.  And believe me. I. need. to. be. transformed.

One day we will be posting an update letting you all know that WE are on our way.
Until then, I will continue to pray for ours and those that need a family.  For protection. For provision. I hope you will too.

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